991 research outputs found

    Privatization and the Market for Corporate Control

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    We study the wealth effects of the mergers of privatized firms. Our sample entails 39 privatized firms that subsequently become targets of a takeover and 52 privatized firms that become bidders in mergers. Our results indicate that target firms experience a 12 percent increase in equity value at the announcement of a merger. The bidding firms experience a positive but insignificant change in equity value at merger announcement. The results indicate that mergers result in net wealth creation for privatized firms and are consistent with property rights/agency cost theory. The results also offer global, non-U.S. evidence that mergers create wealth.

    Effekte einer akuten Dosis Ethanol auf bestimmte Aminosäuren und verwandte Verbindungen in Plasma, Aorta, Herz, Pancreas und Bronchus von Ratten

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    Effekte einer akuten Dosis Ethanol (2g/kg, IP) auf bestimmte Aminosäuren und verwandte Verbindungen wurden untersucht. Die Aminosäurespiegel bzw. deren Verteilung ist ähnlich, aber nicht gleich, in den verschiedenen Geweben. In den verschiedenen Geweben fanden wir teilweise erniedrigte Spiegel, teilweise aber auch erhöhte Spiegel nach Ethanol-Gabe. Diese Veränderungen bezogen sich 1. auf die einzelnen Aminosäuren oder 2. auf die unterschiedlich- en Gewebe. Eine Anzahl Korrelationen einiger Aminoverbindungen in Plasma oder Geweben wurde gefunden, waren aber oft unterschiedlich zwischen Kontroll- und Ethanolratten. Ethanol-induzierte Veränderungen in den Geweben korrelieren im Allgemeinen nicht mit den Veränderungen im Plasma und sind meistens für die untersuchten Gewebe spezifisch

    Functional and immunological relationships between metyrapone reductase from mouse liver microsomes and 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas testosteroni

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    Abstract3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD) from Pseudomonas testosteroni was shown to reduce the xenobiotic carbonyl compound metyrapone (MPON). Reversely, MPON reductase purified from mouse liver microsomes and previously characterized as aldehyde reductase, was competitively inhibited by 3α-HSD steroid substrates. For MPON reduction both enzymes can use either NADH or NADPH as co-substrate. Immunoblot analysis after native and SDS gel electrophoresis of 3α-HSD gave a specific crossreaction with the antibodies against the microsomal mouse liver MPON reductase pointing to structural homologies between these enzymes. In conclusion, there seem to exist structural as well as functional relationships between a mammalian liver aldehyde reductase and prokaryotic 3α-HSD. Moreover, based on the molecular weights and the co-substrate specificities microsomal mouse liver MPON reductase and Pseudomonas 3α-HSD seem to be members of the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase family

    Актуализация принципов планирования деятельности предприятия

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    Рассматриваются вопросы развития некоторых принципов планирования показателей деятельности предприятий в контексте современной парадигмы менеджмента, дается характеристика принципов планирования и условий их применения

    Development of a system for biaxial prestressing brittle materials

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    Strengthening zirconia with discontinuous tungsten graphite, sapphire, and silicon carbide fiber

    Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) and Delta-Like Agents: Insights Into Their Origin

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    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a human pathogen, and the only known species in the genus Deltavirus. HDV is a satellite virus and depends on the hepatitis B virus (HBV) for packaging, release, and transmission. Extracellular HDV virions contain the genomic HDV RNA, a single-stranded negative-sense and covalently closed circular RNA molecule, which is associated with the HDV-encoded delta antigen forming a ribonucleoprotein complex, and enveloped by the HBV surface antigens. Replication occurs in the nucleus and is mediated by host enzymes and assisted by cis-acting ribozymes allowing the formation of monomer length molecules which are ligated by host ligases to form unbranched rod-like circles. Recently, meta-transcriptomic studies investigating various vertebrate and invertebrate samples identified RNA species with similarities to HDV RNA. The delta-like agents may be representatives of novel subviral agents or satellite viruses which share with HDV, the self-complementarity of the circular RNA genome, the ability to encode a protein, and the presence of ribozyme sequences. The widespread distribution of delta-like agents across different taxa with considerable phylogenetic distances may be instrumental in comprehending their evolutionary history by elucidating the transition from transcriptome to cellular circular RNAs to infectious subviral agents